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Father of boy killed by Zanu PF activists living in fear, appeals to ED

THE father of a two year old boy who was abducted and murdered by wellknown Zanu PF activists in a suspected case of political vi-olence in Glendale, Mashonaland Central province in 2018, has had to flee his home area following continuous threats by his son’s murderers.

In an interview, Rambai Lumbe, father to the late two-year-old Professor Lumbe, said he was living in fear of his life.

Professor was abducted and murdered in June 2018 after his father left Zanu PF to join the National People’s Party that was led by former Vice-President, Joice Mujuru.

Following his defection, Lum-be received numerous threats by Zanu PF activists, who told him that his move had put the lives of his family members at great risk.

Days later, Professor’s body was found dumped away from his homestead and the then spokesperson of the Zimba-bwe Republic Police (ZRP), Charity Charamba, said that a post-mortem had discovered that Professor had been mur-dered.

After this incident, President Emmerson Mnangagwa in-structed police to investigate the crime as a matter of ur-gency and ensure the perpe-trators were brought to book.

However, up until now, the alleged perpetrators are walking scotfree, with police say-ing investigations are still underway almost three years down the line.

“I have been engaging the police in Bindura, but they keep telling me that investi-gations are still ongoing and I am losing hope that justice will be served. I have been turned into a double victim as I have had to move to Chi-weshe because Glendale was no longer a safe place for me as I was receiving threats on my life,” Lumbe said.

Lumbe called upon President Mnangagwa to ensure his son’s alleged murderers are brought to justice.

“It pains me so much to know that the murderers of my son are walking scot-free and they even go to the ex-tent of threatening me again. I am making this passionate appeal to the President to en-sure that the murderers are brought to book,” he said.

“You will remember that when my son was killed, the President sent us a condolence message and said he had in-structed the police to act and bring the perpetrators to book but up to now, no single arrest has been made despite the fact that the perpetrators are well known in the area.”

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