Since its formation in 2001, CiZC has had its primary objectives the democratisation of Zimbabwe, the protection and respect of the rule of and human rights .CiZC democratisation agenda is to work on human rights issues, political freedom, and democratic governance .The organisation carries out research on political, social and economic issue affecting Zimbabwe. CiZC’s core strategy has been to demand and act towards the transformation of the country and its governance systems and practices in line with the aspirations of citizens.
Strengthening citizen’s capability to demand reforms entails strengthening the abilities to link lived realities to governance issues, building confidence in citizens to speak out, creating space for citizen voices and providing support that enables the citizens to deal with efforts to discourage their active engagement in the governance ,democratisation ,human rights and the rule of law discourse In achieving its objective the organisation has different strategies such as lobbying and advocacy, confronting and challenging ;participation and collaboration ;informing and mobilizing.
The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) 2019 implemented a programme with the goal to entrench a deeper understanding and advocacy for social protection for ordinary citizens as import of a broader Social and Economic Justice agenda. The programme seeks to create and strengthen citizens Social Protection Movement in Zimbabwe that will propagate a pro-poor and inclusive economic reform model by reigniting the agency of the early 1990s which opposed the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP). The agenda of the organisation is based on its vision to see a democratic Zimbabwe; it believes that civil society has a critical role in nurturing and sustaining a culture of respect for principles and values of good governance, openness and accountability within the Zimbabwean society. The organisation has enjoyed attention as one of the biggest and most vocal pro-democracy advocacy groups in the country. The coalition plays a watchdog role over the Zimbabwean government.
CiZC regional office became fully functional in 2004 with the main aim of meeting the objective to be a regional information and advocacy hub for Crisis Coalition’s member organization and broader civil society organisations in Zimbabwe, providing advocacy platforms and coordinating regional efforts to promote democracy, good governance and human rights respect both in Zimbabwe and in Southern Africa. At regional level CiZC advocates for the participation and protection of Zimbabweans in the Diaspora. CiZC also implements a programme which seeks to enhance recognition, promotion, protection and fulfillment of Social, Political and Economic rights in the SADC region. During the constitutional making period, CiZC regional office held consultative constitutional review in South Africa and London presenting on the importance and the progress of constitutional making process and also the importance of the participation of people living abroad in the constitutional making process. In 2009 the Regional office sent a delegation to the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security meeting that was held in Maputo to discuss the implementation of the Global Political Agreement that was signed in September 2008. Participation of diasporians it shows that we are advocating the right of every citizen of vote and that as a country we have meet the democratic international standards.