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Crisis Coalition condemns criminal activities


Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition notes with concern and dismay attempts, by the state through a shadowy online paper, to create fictitious charges of 'terrorism' against the organization.

The organization notes that this article comes against the background of the organization successful litigation against the unilateral directive by the Harare Provincial coordinator to civil society organizations and the petitioning the SADC chairperson to push the regional body to facilitate the resolution of the Zimbabwean Crisis through a SADC mediated national dialogue which creates conditions for political, economic and social reforms. The report alleges

1. The Zimbabwe Republic Police arrested eleven suspects at House number 2345 Nharira, Norton in Mashonaland West Province

2. These suspects were armed and equipped with motor vehicles, drugs and mobile communication units with South African registration

3. Four of the arrested are on a wanted list for various unresolved murder and rape cases in Zimbabwe.

The story further alleges that the said house belongs to Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition seeks to put it on record that

a) The organization is a legally registered umbrella body of more than 350 organizations which uses peaceful constitutional means in its contribution in building a trulydemocratic society. The network does not in any way and by any means in its 20-year history of advocating for a democratic society, involve itself in any of the crimes alleged in the article.

b)It has no knowledge or contact with any of the people named in the article. The coalition does not have any safe houses.

c)Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition’s membership includes known legally registered institutions like labor, women’s organizations, youth, human rights institutions, farmers, war veterans, students, among others.

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition remains a civilian network of institutions working to promote the very ethos of the liberation struggle, including one-person-one vote, promotion and protection of human rights including marginalized communities and engaging the state to ensure pro-poor developmental policies.

In response to the above the Coalition has instructed itlawyers to engage and take necessary legal action to seek truth, assist the police and protect civil society space and its leaders.


Marvellous Khumalo


+263 776 379 966

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